Mermaid Release Notes: Version

Our latest release is now out and adds some new features to improve the usability of Mermaid and to allow further interrogation of your results sets.

New Features

MM-1289: Display comparative results in Exceedance charts.

It is now possible to plot data from multiple simulations on one Exceedance chart, allowing direct visual comparison of the results.  To plot multiple results sources on one chart use the control keyboard key to multi-select in the “Results Source” box under “Chart Options”.  It is also now possible to name results sources rather than using their file names. Read more >

Mermaid Release Notes: Version

Our latest release focuses on usability and performance gains to improve the overall Mermaid experience.

New Features

MM-1577: Stamp down Tasks, Start Points, End Points and Groups

We have changed the way in which items are added to the Flow Diagram to a system where you can ‘stamp down’ the items exactly where you want them within your operation. This speeds up the planning of your operation and improves the overall experience.

The Flow Diagram now has a mode for each item type and functions in the same manner as the adding of locations in the Map view. Read more >

Mermaid Release Notes: Version

Happy new year to all our users! We are settled back into the new year here and development continues apace. Here are the release notes for the latest release version, released this afternoon.

New Features

MM-1382: Add a Maximum Suspension Time option.

We’ve added the ability to limit the suspension time in your operation. Previously, a task or group could be suspended indefinitely due to weather. We now allow the user to choose a maximum suspension time so that your simulation can more closely match the realities of a marine operation. Read more >

Mermaid Release Notes: Version

It’s only a week since the last release, but as we’re taking a break over Christmas and the New Year, we thought we’d deliver a release to you all as a small gift at the end of 2015. User support will be available through the support portal, UK business days remaining this year are: 24th December, 29th-31st December.

New Features

MM-1471: Automatically remove unknown runs due to running out of Metocean Data or hitting Cut-Off Limits.

We’ve added the ability to remove the Unknown results from the statistics. Read more >

Mermaid Release Notes: Version

Mermaid HQ has been working hard over the last two weeks to bring you our latest release, Mermaid will auto-update on its next restart. As always, if you have any suggestions for improvements that you would like to see in Mermaid then let us know through the customer support portal.

New Features

MM-413 ‘Produce burn up chart for % progress’

We have added a new type of chart, the ‘Progress Burn Up’ chart, to help you analyse your data within Mermaid. Read more >

Mermaid Release Notes: Version

We have had a busy few weeks here on our latest Mermaid sprint and are pleased that this release brings some new features for you to use, as previewed in our recent blog posts.

New Features and Improvements

MM-1497 ‘Occasional Tasks and Groups’ Allow tasks and groups to be active only for certain repeat numbers of their parents.

For a comprehensive breakdown of this new functionality and the ways in which it may help you model your operation please read Ben’s recent series :-

Modelling Techical Breakdown
Modelling Expected Breakdown
Modelling Unexpected Breakdown

MM-1513 ‘Show all repeats on Gantt Chart’

To complement the ‘Occasional Tasks and Groups’ above we have also added functionality to the gantt chart so that you can now toggle on and off the showing of repeats with your tasks. Read more >

Mermaid Release Notes: Version

It’s another release, and another significant step for Mermaid: we now support wave height
limits being dependent on wave period. This applies to every limit where the vessel is at rest,
including task limits.

New Features and Improvements

MM-1282: It is now possible to set wave height limits for everything but Transit to be dependent on wave period.

To use the new functionality, go to the new “Functions” tab in the setup and
add a function. Then anywhere that you can use these functions, a button will appear next to the
wave height limit number. Read more >

Mermaid Release Notes v1.1.0.0: First Commercial Release

We’re pleased to announce the first of our Commercial Releases of Mermaid. We’ve done a lot of work on stability and performance; in particular Beta Test users should notice that the loading of .mres and .mer files is a lot quicker than in the Beta versions.

New Features and Improvements

MM-1470: Improve performance in Setup UI when large result set loaded

BREAKING CHANGE: We’ve been noticing that when there are large results sets loaded in the Results part of the UI, the Setup part can get slow and jerky. Read more >

Mermaid Release Notes: Final Beta Release

New Features and Improvements

MM-1413: Added a validation error for vessels that have less restrictive wave limits on port and site arrival/departure than during transit.

It has always been the case that vessels should be able to transit in conditions that are at least as permissive as arrival and depart limits. Choosing to specify vessels that don’t obey this can result in analyses that run endlessly, so a validation error has been added to ensure that it happens.

MM-1148: Provided a wider range of Base Layers from ArcGIS and remove the default demo layer from another provider.

Read more >

Mermaid Release Notes: 6th Beta Release

 New Features and Improvements

MM-1197: Undo/Redo Functionality to the Setup tab

Undo/Redo actions are now supported in the Setup tab.  Mermaid keeps a record of all actions performed from the creation of a new mer file through to the current time.  This record persists across open and close events allowing a large number of actions to be undone a significant time after they were first performed.

This full history can result in a large file being generated and this can have performance implications.   Read more >