Mermaid keeps iterating, and over the last couple of weeks we’ve got a nice little usability feature out, as well as a bug-fix. We are working on a couple of larger features under the hood, so keep your eyes peeled.
We have Mermaid online training happening this month and next – they are ideal if you are considering purchasing Mermaid, so please get in touch if you’d like to be part of them. Each training programme consists of three 2-hour sessions. The dates and times are:
12th, 13th and 14th of October, 10am to 12 midday BST (9am to 11am UTC).
8th, 9th and 10th of November, 10am to 12 midday UTC.
New Feature
MM-1739: Analyse-side charts can show days instead of hours.
Mermaid can now display results in days instead of hours, which is more convenient for many operations. To access this, click the cog in the top-right, and select your preferred units from the drop-down:
MM-2003: MS Project Export occasionally has incorrect depedencies.
We found during testing that after using the Duplicate function on the task diagram, dependencies can became confused on MS Project XML exports. The source of the issue has been fixed, but if you encounter it in an existing Mermaid Setup, simply hit the Remove History button with this or later version of Mermaid, and the issue should be resolved.