Mermaid Release Notes v1.1.1.6

A new release of Mermaid is out – we have squashed some bugs during this cycle, whilst continuing to work on larger features for future releases.

We have Mermaid online training happening early next month and in December – they are ideal if you are considering purchasing Mermaid, or refreshing your knowledge. Please get in touch if you’d like to be part of them. Each training programme consists of three 2-hour sessions. The dates and times are:

8th, 9th and 10th of November, 10am to 12 midday UTC.

6th, 7th and 8th of December, 10am to 12 midday UTC.


MM-2011: In rare situations, Mermaid stops when trying to view Gantt chart output

MM-2008: Unexpected failure pasting locations into map sidebar

MM-2004: Mermaid locks when trying to load a MER whilst already loading.

MM-2002: Diagram export is a little blurry

MM-1999: If Holding Station for groups not obeyed in a corner case.

MM-1997: Map tiles not displaying correctly on some network connections.

MM-1993: Zoom to fit on map not working.

MM-1990: Non-Suspendable group not behaving correctly in a corner case.